Self? Help!

Johann Hari’s Key to Humanizing Addiction

Episode Summary

Why do we treat addicts the way that we do? This is Johann Hari's story of discovering the real history of the War on Drugs and why it never had to happen.

Episode Notes

Where do addicts belong? Pushed out on the fringes of society, or loved by those who can help? When the War on Drugs began, we made a choice for the former, and that choice has impacted millions of people—including NYT Bestselling Author, Johann Hari.

Watching his loved one struggle with addiction, Hari went looking for answers about why we treat addicts the way we do. What he discovered was the real story behind the War on Drugs in a book that predicted the future—decades before we got to where we are now.

Listen in as Johann Hari tells Terence about what it was like to discover that the destruction wrought by the War on Drugs never had to happen, what an alternative would look like, and how this new knowledge set Hari on a mission to humanize addiction.

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